
George Graen

began his career at the University of Minnesota (Minneapolis), where he published two articles in Journal of Applied Psychology, won a James McKeen Cattell Award from the Society of Industrial Organizational Psychology, and a McKinsey Award for doctorial dissertation, before he received his Ph.D. in Organizational Psychology. In 1967 he joined the Psychology Department and the Labor and Industrial Relations Center faculties at the University of Illinois (Champaign). In 1977, he was appointed Department Head and founded the International Leadership Center at the University of Cincinnati. In 1984 he received the first Japanese funded Johnson Wax Fulbright Research Fellowship. For the last ten years he and his cross-cultural research and consulting team have been engaged in projects to understand business ventures in China, Hong Kong, and Taiwan and to help build effective local “Third Cultures” to enhance their sustainable competitiveness. In 1997 he was named the Gene Brauns Endowed Chair Professor of International Management at the University of Louisiana. He has published over one hundred and seventy-five professional articles and books.

1 条评论:

irenaizuk 说...

Hello... could you help me to find the email of Mr George Graen? I want to ask him for permission to use a questionnaire in my dissertation, but can't find how to contact with him...

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