
zz 季羡林:谁觉得自己是大师,他就自己承认好了




Anne Huff

Anne Sigismund Huff is the Founding Director of the Advanced Institute of Management Research (AIM), a UK wide management research initiative with offices based at the London Business School.

In 1998-99 she was President of the Academy of Management, an international organization of over 13,000 scholars interested in management issues.


Edward Paul Lazear

谈到人事管理经济学,就不能不提到Edawrd P. Lazear。Lazear教授是这一领域的先驱和开拓者,至今仍是该领域的权威。Lazear现任斯坦福大学教授,但他对人事管理经济学感兴趣却是他从芝加哥大学的经济系转入芝大商学院的时候。他在那时发现,那些关注于工商管理的学生,对传统的劳动经济学远不如对组织行为课程那样有兴趣。而在他自己看来(Lazear,1999),恰恰是经济学提供了严格的以及在许多情况下比社会学和心理学方法更好的思考人力资源问题的方法。某些问题,尤其是那些关于工资报酬、流动和激励的问题,天然就是经济学的问题。另外,那些与工作的非货币化方面相联系的问题,比如规范、团队和同僚关系,尽管看来是非经济学的,却同样能够用经济学来推导说明。


James Coleman

the author of Foundations of Social Theory

University Professor in Sociology and a world-renowned sociologist

Coleman's scholarly career was devoted to the creation and use of new social-science methodology and theory to illuminate major issues of public policy.


Christopher K. Hsee

University of Chicago

Theodore O. Yntema Professor of Behavioral Science and Marketing

A.B. (psychology), University of Hawaii, 1989; Ph.D. (psychology), Yale University, 1993.

Selected Publications
With R. Hastie, "Decision and Experience," Trends in Cognitive Sciences (2006). With F. Leclerc et al., "Narrow focusing: Why the relative position of a product within a category matters more than it should?," Marketing Science (2005). With J. Zhang, "Distinction bias: Misprediction and mischoice due to joint evaluation," Journal of Personality and Social Psychology (2004). With Y. Rottenstreich, "Music, pandas and muggers: On the affective psychology of value," Journal of Experimental Psychology: General (2004).


Dennis W. Organ

Teaching Focus:

Organizational Behavior
Human Resource Management
International Organizational Behavior

Research Interests:

Organizational citizenship behavior
Personality correlates of workplace behavior
Cross-cultural perspectives on organizational behavior

The Lives of Others

The Lives of Others (German title: Das Leben der Anderen) is a German movie, which marks the feature film debut of director/screenwriter Florian Henckel von Donnersmarck. It won seven Deutscher Filmpreis awards including best film, best director, best screenplay, best actor and best supporting actor, after having set a new record with 11 nominations.


Benjamin Schneider

Benjamin Schneider is Professor of Psychology at the University of Maryland and Chair of the Industrial and Organizational Psychology Program.

Ben has two major streams of research, each of which has several subcategories. One research stream concerns the role of manager personality in understanding the structure, strategy, and climate/culture of organizations. This research program is based on a series of papers Ben did in the 1980s culminating in a piece called "The People Make the Place" (Personnel Psychology, 1987). Since then Ben has written several conceptual pieces on what has come to be called the ASA framework.
His second stream of research concerns research directed at understanding organizational designs for service quality. In this work Ben early demonstrated the linkage between employee experiences of work and the service quality experiences of the customers they serve. Ben and his colleagues (as well as others), have subsequently replicated this work several times (see Schneider, White and Paul, Journal of Applied Psychology, 1998). This research has resulted in numerous journal publications related to service quality and also to organizational climate. Thus, the research on employees of service organizations has had organizational climate as a foundation construct.


Man of the Year

Richard L. Daft

- Leadership and Communications
- Organization Studies and Human Resources Management

Area(s) of Expertise:
Leadership, transformational communication and change management.

Research Interest(s):
Leadership mental models, change management and the design of performance-driven systems for large organizations.

B.S., University of Nebraska, 1967
M.B.A., University of Chicago, 1971
Ph.D., University of Chicago, 1974

research tips

a. motives
b. processes (constraints, opportunities and dynamics)
c. consequences


林 南

Syracuse University碩士(1963)
Michigan State University博士(1966)
经历:Johns Hopkins University助理教授
State University of New York at Albany副教授、正教授、系主任
Duke University社会系正教授、亚洲太平洋研究所所长

“我认为社会科学研究者有两个目标,一个是在我们的学科中留一点「痕迹」,就是让以后的人知道自己的研究;第二个是留下「轨迹」,这更不容易了,要让后面 的人跟著你走,我常常提醒自己不要认为现在已经做的差不多了,有点痕迹不要自满,我们应该抱著留下轨迹的心情,而不只是要造成一时的轰动 (sensation),我常这样鼓励我自己及学生。”


Columbia University

Jon Elster (Ph.D., University of Paris, 1972) Before coming to Columbia University, he taught at Paris, Oslo and Chicago. His publications include Ulysses and the Sirens (1979), Sour Grapes (1983), Making Sense of Marx (1985), The Cement of Society (1989), Solomonic Judgements (1989), Nuts and Bolts for the Social Sciences (1989), Local Justice (1992), Political Psychology (1993), Alchemies of the Mind (1999), Ulysses Unbound (2000) and Closing the Books: Transitional Justice in Historical Perspective (2004). His research interests include the theory of rational choice, the theory of distributive justice and the history of social thought (Marx and Tocqueville). He is currently working on a comparative study of constitution-making processes from the Federal Convention to the present, besides being engaged in a project on the microfoundations of civil war.

Research Interests: Constitution-Making, Theory of Rational Choice, History of Political Thought (Tocqueville and Marx), Empirical Studies of Justice, Emotions and Social Theory.


Xiao-Ping Chen

Professor of Management & Organization
Evert McCabe Fellow
Co-chair of Management and Organization Department

PhD, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1995
MA, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1992
MeD, Hanzhou University, 1988
BS, Hangzhou University, 1985


    Decision making, social dilemmas, conflict management, leadership, organizational citizenship behavior, employee turnover, cross-cultural management.
"People are the most important resources in organizations. Happy employees are more efficient, more productive and more optimistic about work and life."


exchange theory

A theory associated with the work of George Homans and Peter Blau and built on the assumption that all human relationships can be understood in terms of an exchange of roughly equivalent values. These exchanges are seldom monetary, rather they are frequently intangibles like intimacy, status, connections.


背景:George Ritzer借用科学哲学家库恩提出的“范式”概念,提出了社会学是一门与自然科学有着重大区别的科学的观点:社会学是一门具有多元范式的科学。他指出了三种基本范式:
韦伯的社会学理论、帕森斯(Parsons)提出的“社会行动理论”以及米德、库利等人的著作引 发的符号互动主义理论

my cellphone

blackberry 7290

George Graen

began his career at the University of Minnesota (Minneapolis), where he published two articles in Journal of Applied Psychology, won a James McKeen Cattell Award from the Society of Industrial Organizational Psychology, and a McKinsey Award for doctorial dissertation, before he received his Ph.D. in Organizational Psychology. In 1967 he joined the Psychology Department and the Labor and Industrial Relations Center faculties at the University of Illinois (Champaign). In 1977, he was appointed Department Head and founded the International Leadership Center at the University of Cincinnati. In 1984 he received the first Japanese funded Johnson Wax Fulbright Research Fellowship. For the last ten years he and his cross-cultural research and consulting team have been engaged in projects to understand business ventures in China, Hong Kong, and Taiwan and to help build effective local “Third Cultures” to enhance their sustainable competitiveness. In 1997 he was named the Gene Brauns Endowed Chair Professor of International Management at the University of Louisiana. He has published over one hundred and seventy-five professional articles and books.
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